Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Cyber Blast From The Past

God Bless he Internet. Despite the fact that blogging has caused me great personal grief, it has brought wonderful moments like this- an email from someone who discovered this blog:
"WOW!!! What memories you have brought back. I remember very well all three of the mentioned little league pitcher's. Both Vinny Adamondo and Carl Scarna were friends of mine. I was born 1949 and lived at 56 Mulberry St. until I was 4yrs old. I then lived at 54 Catherine St. until I was 22. It was then that I got married and made the big move across the street to K.V. I lived there for the next 3 1/2 years. Up until now I forgot the name of the woman "Bessie" who owned the vegetable store which caused me to remember her son Stewie. Do you remember the dry cleaning guy "Carmine" who made house calls or Dave the Milkman? How about the Knish/Tinkerbell Man. Thanks for the memories."
The picture above is of a 1941 Bungalow Bar Man which comes from a great East New York neighborhood memory blog called the East New York Project

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