Saturday, November 17, 2007

KV At The Movies

The old KV crew also has their own version of Siskel and Ebert, very hi-falootin' if I might add:
"For those cinemaphiles out there in TV Land who don't mind watching a movie with subtitles (that's right, a foreign movie) check out "After The Wedding" ( a danish flic) or "The Lives of Others" (german?). Well worth your valuable time. For those of you out in Movieland itching for something good (but weird....) check out "Perfume" with Dustin Hoffman as an 18th century French nobleman. Hey Marv,(or anybody else out there) have you seen the movie "Mr. Brooks"; takes place in Portland. If you can buy into it (which I did) you'll find it enjoyable.
Have you seen the film. It has gotten great reviews here but it's just opening-Javier Badim is in it-an incredible actor. He's in the Coen bros. film and "Love in the time of Cholera" which has also just been released."

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