Sunday, November 18, 2007

KV Summers

Many KVer's of yesteryear spent summers in bungalow colonies. I found this really funny bungalow themed video on youtube, here's its description:
"I created this video with the help of my accompany the parody song "500 Miles" by Gershon Veroba."
About Gershon Veroba, who after hearing him here I think is terrific:
"No one else can do what he can do... definitely the most talented guy in Jewish music. One of my favorite guests."- Nachum Segal, Radio Host, WFMU, NJ
"He's a walking American cultural library of music. He's incredibly talented and really cares about music. Crowds just love him and I've become a big fan of his."
- Andy Statman, Klezmer Performer.
Some KV bungalow recollections from Al:
"One of the things that Sam & Yetta did really great was get us out of the city during the summer and up to the Broscht Belt. For that reason I learned to play real softball. I remember the Bellels visiting us and I'm sure the Nathansons and Kupersteins must've shown up a few times. The Bungalow colonies were great for telling dirty jokes (Jackie Mason, Joey Bishop, etc) on Saturday nights, playing cards, making lasting friendships (and love affairs: where's Linda Moses?) and most of all playing softball. Believe me when I say that Big Ricky (machine gun and all) and that whole Bensonhurst/Bath Beach crowd, wouldn't have lasted a minute in a hotly contested bungalow colony softball game. Attached is an article from today's NY Times about an orthodox softball league that plays in the Monticello area. Since I always went to a colony for "non-jews" (conservatives) these guys could never have competed with us "goyim". If you remember the movie The Chosen, where Robby Benson plays a great hasidic softball player, this article will take you back. It certainly did for me: Elvis, the death of Marilyn Monroe, the Mets first season (ha! ha!); and of course The Beatles. Enjoy it guys.

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