Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Real Old School, PS 177: From 8/16/05

A couple of views of PS 177. Last year I met Gin Gee Moy, the former principal of The Meyer London School (PS 2 on Henry Street). Not too long after I graduated PS177 in the mid 1960's the building was torn down and replaced by PS 2. There had also been an older PS 2 before on Henry Street. Mr. Sol Press had replaced Mr. Gregor at 177 in 1959 as principal and went to PS 2 with the 177 faculty. Gin Gee became part of that faculty and worked with Mr. Press. She also knew many of my old teachers. I just about remember them alin order from K-6 : Mrs Horowitz, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Lizzio, Mrs. Peck, Mrs. Apat, Mrs. Feuer, Mrs. Decker and Mrs. Jonas. Mrs. Jonas went out on pregnancy leave in the 6th Grade and we had some weird subs: Mrs. Fels, who said she was related to the Fels-Naptha family and Mrs. Lebergott. BTW Gin Gee looks a whole lot better than I do. She also told me that Mrs. Lizzio is still alive and in her 90's. I think 177 was the Roger Bacon schoo


  1. It was the Roger Bacon school. The park behind it was called Coleman Oval, which is still there. The K&K candy store is still open on the corner opposite the school. The A&P edifice is still there but it is another business.

  2. I attended P.S.177 from 1951 to 1956.I also attended P.S.1 for kindergarden, That school is still there.Too bad they tore down P.S.177, it was a beautiful structure.

  3. Mr. Gregor replaced Miss D'Allesandro as principal in 1953.

    Mrs. Jonas taught at PS 177 under her maiden name, Carolyn Friedman.
