Saturday, November 10, 2007

Return To Zafis: From 7/4

With the upcoming July 6th reunion with the fabulous Kuperstein Brothers at Knickerbocker Village I thought I would revisit our old haunts on the far eastern lower east side where we went to Corlears JHS from 1960-1961.
Marvin, Jerry and I had a lunchtime routine where on given days we ate at certain restaurants. There was Delicatessen Day, Uncle's Heroes Day and Zafis Day. I forgot the other two. Hopefully they will remember. Zafis still exists. It is largely unchanged and there has been a seamless change in ownership. I utilized my old podcasting podcapturing technique of non-chalantly turning on my mp3 voice recorder to capture the ambient sound and taking some surreptitious pics. I later took some pictures of the surrounding neighborhood and filled in the story with some other archival images I had. The text about Zafi comes from a grand street news article from over a year ago. Zafi's address at 500 Grand Street is approximately the site of the old mammoth Hoe Factory. No they didn't manufacture ladies of ill repute there. Here's the slide show

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