Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Who's Who Of Knickerbocker Village: Edwin Berry Burghum

That's a picture of Naomi, Edwin's daughter as she appeared in early this September at the Little Red Schoolhouse Anniversary Day (from the Villager)
Edwin was the editor of the KV newspaper during the tenant strike.
This comes from the Burghum Geneaological Site. The author, in my view, doesn't display the proper outrage as to what happened to Edwin Burhgum and his family as a result of the McCarthy Witch Hunt:
Edwin Berry Burgum was born in Concord on 4th March 1894, the first child of Edwin Gannell Burgum and his wife Addie. In 1915 he graduated from Dartmouth College. Between 1916 and 1920, he worked as an Instructor in English at the University of Pittsburgh. Meanwhile he had time to graduate from Harvard University in 1917. From 1920 to 1923, Berry became Associate Professor of English at the University of Illinois and, in 1924, he became Associate Professor of English at New York University.

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