Thursday, November 15, 2007

Who's Who Of Knickerbocker Village: Seth Babits: From 10/22/07

Seth, who lived at 14 Monroe Street, was a publicist for Palisades Amusement Park in the 1950's-60's. He was also a former gold glove boxer, wrote training manuals and was a classical music aficionado.
Palisades has the rides... Palisades has the fun... Come On Over.

Shows and dancing are free... so's the parking, so gee... Come On Over.

Palisades from coast to coast, where a dime buys the most.

Palisades Amusement Park. Swings all day and after dark.

(bumm, baa, dumm, bumm, bummmm)

Ride the coaster... Get cool... In the waves in the pool.

You'll have fun... so... Come On Over.

(dumm de dum da dum... dum)

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