Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cornelius Boyle: "Knickerbocker Village" Newsie

From an article in the New York Tribune about the real Newsboy Strike which was the basis for the movie NewsiesNote the addresses of the Newsboys. Cornelius Boyle at 531 Water Street puts him in "Tanahey Park"
July 24,1899 Monday—A Newsboys' Meeting New York Tribune
A NEWSBOYS' MEETING SENATOR SULLIVAN EXPECTED TO SPEAK IN IRVING HALL TO-NIGHT "BARNEY PEANUTS" WILL PRESIDE, AND THERE MAY BE POLITICS IN IT—LEADERS FINED FOR A PARADE The striking newsboys will hold a meeting at 8 o'clock to-night in Irving Hall, Nos. 214 and 216 Broome-St., to discuss their grievances. This announcement was made by a delegation, composed mostly of the committee in charge of the meeting, which called at this office last night to spread "de news." The delegation had an eye to business, for they said that they wanted pay for giving the facts of the proposed meeting to The Tribune, and that whatever they got in this manner they intended to add to the amount raised to pay for the rental of the hall. The boys expect to have a great time at the meeting, at which they say they hope "ter do" the newspapers with which they are at war. Despite the fact that they sought space rates for having the announcement printed in the columns of this paper, they, like many great men, were reticent about just what steps they proposed to take in order to obtain that for which they are striving.They said, however, that a number of well known persons would be present and address the meeting,including State Senator T. D. Sullivan, C. D. Sullivan, Florence J. Sullivan, and "Jim" Lavelle. It was announced that "Barney Peanuts" would preside. It was hinted that the real motive behind the meeting might be a political one and that "Barney Peanuts" or State Senator T. D. Sullivan might before the end of the meeting exhort their hearers to form a United Newsboys' Protective party or the Park Row Association of Affliated Newsboys' Clubs. Of course, the majority of newsboys would not be able to vote for some years, but that would make no difference, it was suggested.Among the delegation Among the delegation that called at this office last night, and who are on the Committee of Arrangements are "Blind" Diamond, "Crutch" Morris, "Little Kikie," "Abie" Newman, "Young" Monix, "Dave"Simmons and "Jim" Gaiety. The boys expect to have sufficient edibles and other good things to appease their appetites. They say "Crazy" Arbor has bought 1,500 "breetzels" for them.Four newsboys were arraigned before Magistrate Mott in the Centre-St. police court yesterday morning,charged by Detective Allen and Policemen Distler and Snydecker, of the Oak-st. station, with parading without the proper license. The boys were Albert Smith, fifteen years old, of No 10 Cherry-St.; Cornelius Boyle, thirteen years old, of No. 531 Water-ST.; AAbraham Greenhouse, fourteen years old, of No. 31 Allen-St., and Isaac Miller, thirteen years old, of No. 163 Ludlow-St.The four boys are leaders in the newsboys' strike, and Saturday afternoon they decided that the proper thing was a parade. They accordingly got about a hundred newsboys together, had some banners made,and started a parade up Park Row, past the offices of the offending papers, and down Frankfort-St. The police of the Oak-st. station were informed of the parade, which made up in noise what it lacked in numbers, and told the leaders that it would have to disband. This they promised to do, and while the police were in sight did so.The minute they thought the officers back in the station house the line was again formed, the leaders issuing orders that if the police hove in sight to "scatter." just as they were about to start the three officers ran around the corner and placed the four leaders under arrest. They were locked up for the night in the rooms of the Gerry Society, and yesterday morning were arraigned in court, where they were fined $5each. Non had that amount of cash, and they were sent back in the custody of the society. They say the fines will be paid.Samuel Eisenberg, a fourteen year old boy, who lives at No. 157 Orchard-st., was arraigned in the Jefferson Market Court yesterday, charged with disorderly conduct. Daniel Moore, of No. 123 Pearl-st.,Brooklyn, the complainant, testified that yesterday, while he, as news agent, was distributing papers to newsboys at Fourteenth-st. and Broadway, Eisenberg stood by, and every time he gave a bundle of certain papers to a newsboys Eisenberg snatched them out of his hand. When Moore objected he says Eisenberg pulled a horseshoe out of his pocket and threatened to hit him with it. Magistrate Crane fined Eisenberg $3.

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