Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Glory Days: New York City Baseball 1947-1957

A great Hanukkah gift for my fellow KV baseball enthusiasts would be the book that accompanied the current exhibit at the Museum Of The City Of New York.
Of the 9 active guys who contribute their memories to this blog there are pretty fixed dividing lines as to their baseball allegiances. There are 3 Yankee fans, 5 Met fans and one Dodger fan. Discussions can get heated and there is a lot of dissing, but we all appreciate the greatness of this amazing era in New York baseball history. Currently the group is anxiously awaiting the news as to where Johann Santana will pitch next year. The slide show has a soundtrack of part of the third game of the 1949 World Series between the Yanks and Dodgers. The great Red Barber is at the mike. Many of the images from the video portion were taken by me at the exhibit in August. Joining me was a former LMRC Little League All Star Slider.

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