Friday, December 7, 2007

Mrs Santa Claus Visits The Lower East Side

From a very much under-appreciated 1996 made for tv movie:
an amazon review:
As we grow up we always hear about how great Santa Claus is. Keep in mind, I am not knocking the greatness of Santa, but it is always a wonder who the heck was Mrs Santa Claus? Now we know the woman behind the man.I could not have thought of a better woman to play the part than Angela Lansbury. The former Queen of Broadway and the former J.B. Fletcher tells a beautiful story of how it is about time for the "...World to know there's a Mrs. Santa Claus". The costumes in the movie were wonderfully fitting for the times and season; and yet not over the top. The two outfits designed by Emmy Award Nominee (for best Costumes) Bob Mackie that made Angela shine even brighter were the Policeman's ball gown and the "sleigh ride" outfit at the end of the film.I thought the dancing was done superbly. It has been a long time since we, the public, have seen dancing in a made for t.v. movie. It is nice to revisit such an old friend. Angela makes for a wonderful Mrs Santa Claus that I cannot think of anyone else to have played Anna Claus. I am sure she was happy to get back to singing. Her voice still is strong even at 71.This is one movie which should be played every Christmas. It is a Christmas standard to me and my family. I recommend it to anyone who loves Christmas.

the lyrics to the catchy Avenue A song:
Welcome to the world of Avenue A
Where you hear Como Esta, and Bless My Soul and Oy Vey
Rosie Finkelstein and Michael Monaghan are still going steady
Mrs. Brandenheim is yelling out there window, “Breakfast is ready.”
And that’s the way it goes on Avenue A
Where Father Callahan bids Rabbi Hershey, “Good Day.”
People caring their Lasagna and Chow Mein all share the same tray
Part of the great big bouillabaisse called Avenue A

Welcome to the world of Avenue A
Where there’s a family drama playing day after day
There’s a second hand emporium on every corner that I’d walk
Ringelevio and little girls with jacks all share the same sidewalk
That’s the way it goes on Avenue A
Look there’s a pushcart full of bagels coming your way
There’s a rag man with a saxophone
There’s not a tune he can’t play
Part of the great kaleidoscope of Avenue A

That’s the way it goes on Avenue
Where’s there’s a new adventure awaiting day after day
There’s a rag man with a saxophone
There’s not a tune he can’t play
Part of the great kaleidoscope called Avenue A

Angela reprise:
I’ve landed in the world of Avenue A
Where you hear Como Esta, and Bless My Soul and Oy Vey
So a lady from a cold and distance place
A lifetime away
Still can become a part of the world of Avenue A

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