Friday, December 28, 2007

Nathan's House Furnishing On Catherine Street

A post Christmas present in my email box.
Just happened to stop in at Bob's on my way back to Martha's Vineyard; You might remember my grandfather, Nathans House Furnishing, on Catherine street, between Henry and Madison. NEXT to the Rug Place, NEXT to Savoia..., and of course CARVEL on their right;You know my grandparents would close down some Xmas times and get driven up to Boston by a guy named JOEY... Could never forget you guys...knowing Bob, Marty Sklar, Alan gave me an entree onto a paved playground with all you guys...who believed they were speaking 'ENGLISH'. Also the Submarine Sandwich...HERO, and where could you find a Pizza the size of a STEERING WHEEL for $1.00...I'm talking the 'OLD' car steering wheels. So I'm MIKE ZANE signing off

Mike must be referring to #27 Catherine, as #25 (Sweet Spring Restaurant) is where Carvel's used to be.


  1. I remember my mother and I shopping
    there. And a man named "Honey"/
    Who was he?

  2. Honeys! Wow, that's a memory. Honey and his (two?) brothers ran a store on Catherine Street that sold insurance-sale items -- in other words, shipments of goods for which owners had put in insurance damage claims. Once the owners were paid, the insurance companies recouped some of their costs by selling the shipments to Honeys (and I'm sure, to other similar establishments). You might find just about anything there: once, it was yards and yards of lavish crewel-work fabric; another time, beautifully painted Chinese vases. It could be anything, and everything was a bargain. My mother loved the store, and she loved Honey. He could speak 'bargaining' in all the languages of polyglot lower Manhattan.
