Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Robert Meeropol

I heard Robert Meeropol on BBC World News today. He was speaking about the comparisons between the McCarthy era and today in regard to civil liberty restrictions. I took the audio and combined it with images of Robert and his brother as well as images of his parents. Robert founded the Rosenberg Fund for Children, a non-profit foundation which provides support for children whose parents are left-wing activists involved in court cases as well as for targeted activist youth. Michael is the Economics Department chair at Western New England College

1 comment:

  1. I was moved by this interview last night on BBC radio and am glad someone has archived it for others to hear.

    Mr. Meeropol's observations about similarities of today's political climate to that of the McCarthy era are undeniably valid. Once again we have willingly surrendered our civil rights with hardly a peep for fear of being seen as unpatriotic.
    We have allowed the worst President in our history to wave the flag and continue our government's shameful assaults on reason and human rights.
