Saturday, December 22, 2007

Son Of Gregor

The obituary of Arthur Gregor mentioned a son named Thomas. Mr. Gregor had a daughter as well, but it would be more difficult googling her if she had married. I came up with several Thomas'. One further exploration yielded a google anthropology book excerpt that had a dedication to an Arthur S. Gregor. Bingo!

Thomas A. Gregor is a professor and chair of the anthropology department at Vanderbilt University. His latest book, edited with Donald F. Tuzin, is Gender in Amazonia and Melanesia: An Exploration in the Comparative Method (University of California Press, 2001).
Featured Faculty - Fall 06 Thomas A. Gregor (Ph.D., 1969, Columbia)
Professor Gregor is interested in psychological anthropology, gender roles and sexuality, peace and aggression, psychoanalysis and culture, anthropological ethics, and native peoples of South America and anthropological film. He is the author of Mehinaku: The Drama of Daily Life in a Brazilian Indian Village and Anxious Pleasures: The Sexual Lives of an Amazonian People. His edited books include A Natural History of Peace and The Anthropology of Peace and Nonviolence (coedited) and Gender in Amazonia and Melanesia: An Exploration of the Comparative Method (coedited). He has worked as a film maker for the BBC, Grenada Television and NET in making the television films Mehinaku, We are Mehinaku, Feathered Arrows and Dreams from the Forest. Professor Gregor is currently completing a book on peaceful relations among tribes in Central Brazil, and an article on ethics and contemporary anthropology. My work as an anthropologist as largely been among the Mehinaku Indians and their neighbors in the Mato Grosso of Central Brazil. My first visit to the Mehinaku was in 1967, and my most recent visit was in 2005. The peoples of the region live along the headwaters of the Xingu river, which is one of the major tributaries of the Amazon. The area is home to ca. 2,000 native peoples living in the Terra Indigena do Xingu, a vast reserve of some 10,000 square kilometers. The Xinguanos, as they are known to Brazilians, are divided into nine separate ethnic communities speaking five unrelated languages and, within three of these groupings, mutually unintelligible dialects.

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