Saturday, December 1, 2007

Victory At Sea

KVer Howie will be celebrating his 56th birthday on December 8th and being a fellow history buff he reminded me about the "Day of Infamy" speech that occurred on December 8, 1941. In this slide show (it's hard for me to forget that I'm not teaching anymore)
I took a cartoon from the excellent site that had been created for a Virginia newspaper school supplement . It's one in a series on WW2. In order to make it visible in the 320x240 video viewer I increased the resolution using a neat photoshop add on program called Genuine Fractals PrintPro. I also made the cartoon into smaller frames. To make the KV connection more valid I added a Victory at Sea soundtrack (a great resource for Victory At Sea music) I remember watching Victory at Sea with my father on our DuMont. I'm sure it was a similar experience for my fellow KV baby-boomers.

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