Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Who's Who In Knickerbocker Village History: Paul Solman

After posting yesterday the slide show movie that featured Robert Meeropol the thought occurred to me to try and reach out to Robert and his brother Michael. Don't ask me how I did it, but today I got email responses from both. Note: A very rare event, this even impressed my wife. As suspected Robert has little memory of Knickerbocker but Michael did. It was Michael that told me that Paul Solman was a KV brother. I don't remember Paul, I believe he's a few years younger. Here's his bio from the lehrer news hour site (a former cab driver? maybe he knows Neal Hellman):
Paul Solman, Business and Economics Correspondent
Updated: February 15, 2007

The founding editor of the alternative Boston weekly The Real Paper (1972), Paul began his career in business journalism as a Nieman Fellow, studying at the Harvard Business school in 1976. He has been the business reporter at WGBH Boston since 1977, was named a member of TV Guide’s "Dream Team" of television reporters, and was the co-originator and executive editor of PBS's business documentary series, ENTERPRISE.

His work has won numerous awards, including Emmys in the '70s, '80s, ’90s, and '00s and two Peabodys, the most recent in 2004 for his reporting on the undercounting of unemployment

Paul has also served on the Harvard Business School faculty, teaching media, finance and business history. He co-authored a better-than-average-seller, Life and Death on the Corporate Battlefield (1983), which appeared in Japanese, German and a pirated Taiwanese edition. With sociologist Morrie Schwartz, he helped create -- and wrote the introduction to -- the book "Morrie: In His Own Words," which preceded "Tuesdays with Morrie" but did not outsell it, by several orders of magnitude.

Solman lectures on college campuses, has written for numerous publications, including both Forbes and Mother Jones magazines; he was for years East Coast Editor of the latter. A one-time cab driver, kindergarten teacher, crafts store owner and management consultant, Paul is also the presenter for and author of "Discovering Economics with Paul Solman," a series of videos distributed by McGraw-Hill to accompany the company’s introductory economics textbooks. He's also working on ways to teach economics and entrepreneurship in America's community colleges, and similar institutions throughout the world.

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