Thursday, January 3, 2008

Young Haberdashers Of Knickerbocker Village

Sometime in the mid 1950's. That's Reggie Ingram, Neal Hellman and Bob Simmons.
I didn't know Reggie, he was a year younger and moved not soon afterwards. According to Bob:
Reggie Ingram is the son of Reggie Ingram, Sr. The family moved to Rochester, NY as I recall, and Reggie Sr. may have been involved with community youth programs there.
According to Marty:
I don't remember Reggie that clearly but I remember his father perfectly. A kind of thick build, a little overweight, athletic, very friendly. I remember playing football and having a baseball catch with Reggie Sr. when I was about six or seven in Tanahey.

1 comment:

  1. I was friendly with Reggie's younger brother Scottie and clearly remember their mother Doris. What a beautiful woman! She was so cheerful
