Monday, March 24, 2008

6th Grade Graduation: PS 177, June 1959

Top Row: Sheila Suss, Valerie Hammel, Nancy Bueller, Susan Miller
Bottom Row: Renee Leder, Elaine Aaronson, Alison Shue
The nicest group of girls you'd ever want to meet.


  1. Thank you for these articles. I went to ps 177.
    My name is Judy Roman 1955-1958.Please write to me.

  2. I have great memories of PS 177.from 1955-1958. My name then was Judy Nieves. I remember Ms. Feuer, Ms Sylvia Silverstein, Ms.Mermestein, Ms. Lillian Burg< Mr Gregor, Mr. Montijo and many more.

    Judy Roman (Nieves)

  3. I went to PS 177 and my teacher was Mrs.A bromowitz in 5th grade.She was a great teacher then.

  4. I also went to P.S.177 and loved it. I am still in touch with my best girl friend from that time. My Dad was minister at Sea & Land Church till we moved away in 1968 (moved to Rochester, NY).

    When I graduated from PS177 I then went to school in The Village at Grace Church School.
    I am still playing violin :-) started studying it at Henry Street Settlement.
