Saturday, March 29, 2008

Camp Edelia 1963

A contribution to the Knickerbocker Archives from recently rediscovered brother Mark Schumer. Though slow afoot, he was a potent punchball hitter with his unique, sweeping lefty stroke. It was my mistaken belief that Eddie Moy was in the picture, however a certain semi-kevorka blessed brother wrote this:
Top left looks like Mark, third from left top is David, Ronnie is top right, and the Asian boy next to Ronnie I think is Bradley Joe ... Bradley Joe was in my court (H bldg ?), younger, had a very attractive mom who once showed me a bowling pin given to him at City Hall lanes after he somehow hurt himself (minutia is back), and last I heard was that he became a gang leader in Chinatown ...there seems to be a dearth of Asian participants for Reunion II, besides Bradley what about Cy Chin? (superhuman speed), Eddie Moy (greatest artist ever) lived in Smith.

1 comment:

  1. I happened on this photo searching for Camp Edalia (BTW it's spelled incorrectly in your caption). "Edalia" came from "Educational Alliance".

    Standing second from the left is my brother, Jon Keller.
