Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Collected Works Of Jack Karney

After the reunion of 4/6/08 I had the good fortune of spending some extended time with my good friend Rich Karney (aka Rocky) in Virginia. I took digital pictures of most of the many books his dad, Jack, had published from the mid forties to approximately 1960. Since they all had gritty inner New York City plots I used the old television "Naked City" theme, by Nelson Riddle, as a soundtrack. The book, "Cop," was dedicated to Richard and was bought as a screenplay some years ago. Hopefully some day it might be filmed.


  1. my cousin donnie and i are trying to get in touch with richard,barbara, or evalou or children of dave karney they are our cousins we are the children of ida and libby my e mail is thanks my name is beth

  2. Very nice video. I remember Mr. Karney's novels with great affection.
    Jerry Holt, author of "The Killing of Strangers."
