Saturday, April 26, 2008

KV "Father's" Visit J.Edgar Hoover: 1935

A follow up to the previous post on Pepper Martin:
Later I was searching for info on Pepper Martin and I also did a search on the Times' website to see if Jay was written up for any high school athletic accomplishments. I discovered this gem instead: A 1935 article of boys from University Settlement visiting J. Edgar Hoover in Washington D.C.
The list of boys included Hy Bueller, Moe Altcheck (my childhood doctor) and Jack Sosinsky (Joel and Ron's uncle). The boy standing to the right of Louis Bohar (misspelling, it should be Behar,a sephardic name) looks like it could be Hy Bueller.

Read this doc on Scribd: hoover-university2

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