Saturday, May 10, 2008

Nancy With The Laughing Face

music by Phil Silvers, lyrics Jimmy Van Heusen
If I don't see her each day, I miss her
Gee what a thrill, each time I kiss her
Believe me, I've got a case
On Nancy, with the laughing face
She takes the winter and makes it summer
And summer could take some lessons from her
Picture a tomboy in lace
That's Nancy with the laughing face
Have you ever heard mission bells ringing
Well she'll give you the very same glow
When she speaks you would think it was singing
Just hear her say hello
I swear to goodness, you can't resist her
Sorry for you, she has no sister!
No angel could replace
Nancy, with the laughing face!
Keep betty grable, lamour and turner
She makes my heart a charcoal burner
It's heaven when I embrace,
My Nancy with the laughing face!


  1. Nancy, You've been and always will be my lifeline..........You'll always be in my heart. Love ya babe, Janet

  2. My Beautiful Aunt Nancy,

    Growing up, my entire life..Gram, gramps, Dad, Aunt Rhoda..They always use to say." much like your aunt Nancy you are, what a Bueller!!" Your shape, your coloring, your attitude..your face..your eyes..your smile. Unfortunately as a child, I never saw what they did..until..just a short while ago. I realized, after an aquaintenence viewed a recent picture of me, jonny, Rob and Aunt Nancy together, unknowingly said..."is that your mother"??, It was just then, I realized just how similar we were. We have the same features..the same favorite color..played the same instrument..were in the same field, wore the same jewelry style... I’ll miss terribly our Tuesday night dinners...our late night phone calls..her advice..the fact, that I have a problem now and I can not just call her and ask what to do.. the way she always me always feel as though I was her special someone...Selfishly, I feel I was..I was her only niece and I am proud of that!! I relish in the advice she gave me and of course will miss talking and hearing her voice...but I think if I listen hard enough..I always will hear her and what she has taught me...and between me and whoever sees’s already working...I LOVE YOU BABE!!!! I miss you..Ashley Bueller……
