Sunday, June 29, 2008

Eldridge Street Synagogue Panoramic Scene

A 3 node panoramic scene made from 3 panoramic movies taken on June 15, 2008 during Eldridge Street Synagogue's annual egg cream and egg roll festival. The first movie (in the synagogue) links to the second and third that are outside on Eldridge Street. Panorama 2 is adjacent to the synagogue, while panorama 3 is up the block north at the intersection of Eldridge and Canal. The site being developed once housed Beny' s Watches, a long time LES establishment

"Klezmer music, Chinese opera and acrobatics, language lessons, scribal art, folk art demos, crafts, tours and, of course, kosher egg rolls and egg creams! Experience a unique slice of Lower Manhattan, where Chinatown meets the old Jewish Lower East Side."

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