Saturday, June 21, 2008

I Like New York In June 13th: Windsor Terrace

The renovation of the former pet store revealed an old stained glass candy store sign at 216 Prospect Park West. I searched to get info on the store and found it on the Gowanus Lounge site
Yes, the new liquor-store owners are indeed keeping the stained glass! They are also buffing up the old tile floors and some other details inside, and told me they’re excited about the restoration.
I spoke with some old time locals about the place. It was called Wetter’s (sp.?) and run by a German-American family of the same name from circa late 1930s-early/mid ’60s. Your basic soda fountain scene that also served burgers and the like. The counter was on the right, booths on the left. It was most recently a pet food/supply store.

Note: Let's see if KV music trivia expert Steve Needle knows who is singing this version of "How About You?"

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