Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer Of 72 And Sustaining Memories Of Chris Noel

Chris Noel from a recent movie Stryker movie with Burt Reynolds. Her son, bears a stryking resemblance to someone we know- until the make up department rushes in.
Chris' website
Billy Joel as the warm up act to The Persuasions (with The Chamber's Brothers joining them one night)
Randy Newman (Jim Croce was his warm up)
Jackson Browne
Linda Ronstadt
Jesse Colin Young (The Youngbloods)...with Al Kooper joining him from the audience during 4 or 5 sets
It was a 9-10 week summer job...some of the other acts will come back to me.
...and at the end of many nights, the staff and performers would hang out together at The Dugout (2 doors down), drinking pitchers of beer, and grabbing handfuls of peanuts in the shells from big barrels...I was 19 at the time...and they PAID me to do this!!! (not a lot)
But the memory that always puts a smile on my face was the night that the owner, Paul Colby, walked in with this gorgeous woman at his side...not just any woman, but the former Miss Rheingold 1962 whom I had stuffed the ballot boxes for at age 9. (Chris Noel...she was NOW 30)
She certainly put a head on my beer stein!
For the above reasons, I consider that summer as the beginning of a deeper appreciation for beer.......and Dottie Rogers...but that's another Bitter End story.

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