Monday, July 21, 2008

Legendary KV Vendors Of The Past

From Paul Levine
Howie's recollections are always funny!
We (Howie, Bruce, David Aaronson and possibly Ronnie) worked as vendors at Yankee Stadium during a Giants season. Most difficult game for me was a pre-season between Grambling and Morgan State. In those days, when a vendor sold hot dogs it wasn't in a clear wrapper from a microwave. Dirty water dogs were in a huge tank hanging from strap around your neck. There were compartments for mustard, sauerkraut, relish. It was heavy for a skinny 16 year old and hard work. The real vendors sold beer, where they made real money, and the kids sold programs, as Howie did, or ice cream in winter. I got supposedly lucky my first outing in selling hot dogs particularly with two black colleges playing football, but it was a really long twelve hour day. I probably made between 50 and 60 bucks but the norm was closer to 35 selling peanuts or cracker jacks.

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