Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Northern Exposure: Spring Break

An excerpt from a great David Assael written episode for Northern Exposure.
His scripts:
"The Russian Flu" David Assael August 9, 1990 1-05 (5)
Fleischman's fiancee Elaine arrives for a visit, only to have the entire town come down with the flu, ruining their time together. In their delirium, the townspeople blame the helpless doctor. Marilyn takes it upon herself to prescribe a foul-smelling native remedy that cures everyone, but won't tell Fleischman what's in it.
"Spring Break" David Assael May 6, 1991 2-05 (13)
Spring arrives and Maggie and Joel find their dreams invaded by each other, State Trooper Barbara Semanski enchants Maurice, and the other citizens of Cicely have their yearly bout of spring fever, experiencing all kinds of weird feelings, stolen radios, and Holling's urge to pick fights and "do some damage".
"Our Tribe" David Assael January 13, 1992 3-12 (27)
Joel reluctantly undergoes a cultural conversion after receiving a goat as a gift from a grateful village elder, who insists on "adopting" him into her tribe, and a mysterious Holling shuts down the Brick, ostensibly to wax the floors.
"It Happened In Juneau" David Assael May 4, 1992 3-21 (36)
Things heat up between Joel and Maggie when they are forced to share a hotel room in Juneau. Chris and his brother Bernard for the first time are not in perfect sync with each other.
"Thanksgiving" David Assael November 23, 1992 4-08 (46)
Cicely readies itself for the annual Day of the Dead parade and Thanksgiving Day feast; Joel discovers he owes the state of Alaska a fifth year of service.

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