Wednesday, July 2, 2008

This Just In: The KV "Colonel" To Visit The "Rabbi"

"Next Tuesday, I will have the opportunity to see how the Idyllic Life is conducted when I dine at Chez Laura/Kuperstein Kastle while on a trip to Portland, Oregon. Marv and Laura have graciously invited me to visit their chateau and enjoy a meal while, if the weather cooperates (which it is predicted to do), gazing at the remains of Mount Saint Helens. I thoroughly am looking forward to seeing how the Left Coasters enjoy life, and being away from the hustle and wasted energy of working inside the infamous Washington Beltway.I've been to Portland a number of times and can vouch for the more tranquil and unassuming way of living experienced by the citizens
living near the banks of the Willamette River. How a boy from Knickerbocker Village has adjusted down to that level of calmness will be a point of discussion. Will report back."

from the KV Colonel

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