Saturday, July 26, 2008

William Glackens: Ashcan Artist

Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, William Glackens, 1870-1938, became a part of the Realist painters following Robert Henri, but much of his work avoids the seamier side of society and shows bustling middle class activity. He also adopted Impressionism and did many paintings of seaside resorts on Cape Cod and Long Island, particularly Bellport where he and his family spent summers.
He graduated from Philadelphia's Central High School with John Sloan and in 1891 became an artist-reporter for the 'Philadelphia Record.' He did the same kind of work from 1892 to 1895 for the 'Philadelphia Press' with John Sloan, George Luks, and Everett Shinn. He studied briefly at the Pennsylvania Academy with Thomas Anshutz and then shared a studio and traveled in Europe with Robert Henri. There he painted many scenes of life in He settled in New York, worked as an illustrator, and was part of 'The Eight,' a landmark exhibition of urban realists at the Macbeth Galleries. Early in his painting career, he painted numerous scenes of Washington Square and Central Park but then turned to beach scenes.

song by Jerome Kern, sung by Johnny Hartman
Long ago and far away, I dreamed a dream one day
And now that dream is here beside me
Long the skies were overcast but now the clouds have passed
You're here at last
Chills run up and down my spine, Aladdin's lamp is mine
The dream I dreamed was not denied me
Just one look and then I knew
That all I longed for long ago was you
Chills run up and down my spine, Aladdin's lamp is mine
The dream I dreamed was not denied me
Just one look and then I knew
That all I longed for long ago was you

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