Saturday, August 2, 2008

Who's Who In Knickerbocker Village History: Harry Liebowitz

Harry has been discussed on many occasions here, but I've been remiss for not yet awarding him a "who's who" honor. Just a few days ago his son Larry found the site and he sent us the first of what I hope will be many pieces of KV and LES memorabilia. Here is part of a 1966 Two Bridges Newspaper that Larry incorporated into a surprise 70th Birthday card for Harry back in 1983 (I think). Click to enlarge. I did my best to get most of the autographs included here. Among the ones I can recognize are the just recently mentioned, Judge Leonard Sandler, also KV/LMRC best-looking mother, Natalie Sosinsky, Joe Moscarella and Lou Lamula.

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