Tuesday, September 16, 2008

KV Chatter Cynthia Miller: This Is Your Life

Some of the guys were "riffing" on their sweet memories of Debbie and Cynthia Miller -it all started with Rachel Rosenthal a few posts ago. Marv said the conversation sounded like This Is Your Life so I attached the classic spoof of the show with Sid Caesar, Howie Morris, Carl Reiner and Louis Nye.

1. My only recollection of Cynthia Miller is we were playing in a boys & girls pitching stick game. Eddie was pitching and hit Cynthia who ran home crying. Her father, who might have been a former boxer, came storming into the park trying to figure out which kid hit his daughter.

2. I was close friends with Cynthia's sister Debbie.Debbie and I were in the same classes all through PS 177, and went to the same summer camp (Educational Alliance - Camp Edalia) When we became teenagers, she and I shared many private thoughts about our respective 'coming of age'.Debbie was also pretty, like Cynthia. She was soft spoken, and she blushed easily...I was very fond of her. I remember when her dad passed away. Debbie was around 15 at the time. It was the first time I remember feeling someone elses sense of loss...and I can still remember looking into Debbie's sad eyes when it happened...The last time I saw her, we were in our upper 20s...she was married, and living on Grand St. Debbie is on my short list of people I would very much like to see again. I remember that Cynthia was very sweet; always nice to me, as her kid sister's friend. As for the moms that Marty mentioned, I remember Debbie and Cynthia's mom as being very nice. Peter Levine's mom, Elaine, was a close friend of my mom. Elaine would sometimes babysit for me. My mom still talks about how I would put Elaine through the mill when she was looking after me...me insisting on having 'a cheese sandwich, with mustard, with the edges cut off, and the sandwich cut at a diagonal, making two triangular pieces.' She said that whenever Elaine would refer to my unique lunch requests, she would break out in laughter about it...she had a great laugh! If she was laughing, that made everyone around her smile. Elaine worked for the NYC Park Dept...she had an unusual job that she was terrific at: She was stationed at the Central Park Zoo, in the children's section. Her job: She was the 'storyteller', reading popular tales to the infatuated children who gathered there. She had this natural ability to engage the kids; to get them to participate in the whole storytelling process...She really loved doing this!...Marty, it seems like you and I are motivated to find out where Cynthia and Debbie Miller are.

3.This has the makings of one of the old TV shows where a "blast' from the past is brought on stage. I can't recall the name of the show.

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