Friday, September 26, 2008

Love Finds Andy Hardy

And more and more people are finding Knickerbocker Village. These two lovely ladies (is there such a thing as a non-lovely KV lady?)just came on board this week
Well Hello! I was procrastinating and googling and came across the Knickerbocker blog site. I nearly fell off the chair but I was so thrilled to see the photos from your reunions. I am the daughter of Arnold and Esther Wenig. We lived at 40 Monroe st., apt. FC8 and moved to Warbasse in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn with many other KV families - the Buellers, the Lackows, etc - a move I regretted from day one. I attended PS 177, Hamilton-Madison House, Camp Madison Felicia and the nursery school that was in the basement of KV. I have a recurring dream, that I go to shop for furniture in a vast storage area near the KV laundry room - all the furniture belonging to every family that ever lived at KV is available for purchase. How I miss that place. Remember the live chicken place under the Manhattan Bridge? The little deli that sold the best hero sandwiched and on Friday the always had tuna and companata? Remember the little store that sold hot jelly apples that he dipped right into the jelly and you twirled it until it cooled and stopped dripping. Do you remember sweet potatoes being sold in the street? The knife sharpener? Those wonderful bread bakeries?

Hi David:
I got on your blog through Google and was surprised to see it. I lived in KV for most of my youth, attending PS 177, JHS 65 and then one year at Seward Park at which time my parents relocated to Whitestone. I noticed that you had us in your "annex": Irving and Ida Schnieder with Michael, Mark and Trudy. My real name is in fact Judy and you missed my youngest brother Howard. Glad to see the memories of KV are alive and I'll check the blog often.

1 comment:

  1. Howie Schneider was my "boyfriend" in 1st and second grade in Mrs. Stelman's class at PS 177. We were in the same classes till he moved away. I was in the first class to graduate from PS 126. Charles Giambrone,Paul Pappas, Darlene Lamont, Joann Telesca, Terry Noor, Dixon Kim were some of the other kids in this class. It is me in the Brownie photo from the HMH.
    Susan Kramer
    Susan Kramer
