Tuesday, September 9, 2008

They All Longed To Be Close To Her

You'd be surprised how many people reach Knickerbocker Village by googling Nancy Bueller (Bayer)
From a source, and now an email pal, who I will keep anonymous:
I happened to come across the entry on the KnickerbockerVillage blog regarding Nancy Bayer (Bueller ).
I was very good friends with a Nancy Bueller from about 1964-1969 when we both lived....
I'm guessing this is the same Nancy, she did have a brother, Bruce.
I married and moved to Seattle in 1968, but did see her a few times after that; when she married Chris Bayer in the summer of 1969, and several times in the early 70's. But have not spoken or heard from her since then. My fault (actually my wife at the time was a bit jealous of her). Needless to say this came as quite a shock. It is hard tell from the blog when she passed away. I saw the entry on the blog about Mickey Mantle. We were both Yankee fans. I grew up in the Bronx and worked as a vendor in Yankee Stadium, took her to a few games with me. ...

I now regret not trying to locate her. Always put it off. Dam life is too short!
I wish I had married her instead of my first wife. Nancy was my best friend during the years I knew her.
Wonder if we would have made it together.
I've been married to my current (second) wife since '92, together as couple since '85.
Her personality reminded me of Nancy, has a great laugh, smile, loves music, baseball, sports and arguing about politics. Not only do we live together, we also work together.
I have two daughters in their 30's; one of them has three kids, so I'm also a grandfather.
She asked me why I was so "poopy" the last few days. I told her how upset I was with myself for not trying to reconnect with Nancy.
Can't change the past; I'll always have great memories from those days.

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