Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hamilton Madison House Brownies: 1960's

We're still trying to ascertain exactly who these young ladies are, but according to Nancy via Sarah:
Nancy says that the blond all the way to the right is Sandy Guralnick. She lived in 40 Monroe St and moved before any of us did. She had an older sister named Deborah. I think they moved to the Niagra Falls area.

Update from Tina:
2nd row, 2nd from the left...Norma Kramer's sister .......In the Hamilton Madison House Brownies Pic....!Susan lives in Maine. I thought I heard that Debra Guaralnick..lived somewhere on the West Coast.....Actress??

from Nancy:
I agree- that's Susan Kramer, Norma's younger sister.
In the very back I think it"s Rita Jones and in front of her Miriam Coombs?

1 comment:

  1. I think one of the girls in the front was Connie Vrakepedes. My mother, Nellie Ball, was their troop leader.
