Wednesday, October 1, 2008

KV Chatter: Mickey Schwerner And Shirley Chisholm

Shirley Chisholm, from her 1946 Brooklyn College yearbook

from a recent email from Sarah
I came to the conclusion a long time ago that we had a very very special and vivid childhood. So there's stuff worth remembering. I have come to know people who went to very prestigious private grammar schools all over the country and our education at 177 is head and shoulders above theirs. We had all kinds of people immediately around us and by the time we were out of 6th grade we were worldly! Do you guys recall that Shirley Chisholm was a nursery teacher at Hamilton Madison House? That Micheal Schwerner, who was lynched along with Goodman and Cheney also was associated with that settlement and visited us at Camp Madison Felicia? The whole civil rights era was happening around us. Kennedy was driving by our windows on his way to the UN. While other kids in other parts of the country were visiting donut factories on class trips we were in the greatest museums.

1 comment:

  1. Sol,
    Did you go to Camp Madison Felicia?
    I am involved with the YMCA Camp Combe that now operates a wonderful day camp on that site. We are looking for people to share their stories, recollections or photos from that era.
