Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Taste Of Honey : Woody Herman 1963

from one of the greatest of Woody's Herds: Paul Fontaine, Gerry Lamy, Bill Chase, Dave Gale, Billy Hunt (t), Phil Wilson, Henry Southall, Bob Rudolph (tb), Woody Herman (as), Sal Nistico, Jackie Stevens, Bobby Jones (ts), Frank Hittner (bars), Nat Pierce (p), Chuck Andrus (b), Jake Hanna (d). June 1, 1963. Sax solo by Nistico, trumpet solo by Chase.


  1. Beautiful arrangement. Great sounding sax section work with Woody's flowing Hodges-like alto. Have always loved Carmen Leggio's solo work, and of course, Bill Chase's stratospheric trumpet. I was in elementary school when this came out, lived in San Francisco and was just becoming interested in the sax. I have played woodwinds and jazz for more than 35 years.

  2. Need to correct caption above: That is Carmen Leggio playing the tenor sax solo; not Sal Nistico. Bobby Jones was not in the band recorded here.
