Tuesday, October 28, 2008

There's Got To Be Somethng Better Than This

There's gotta be something better than this,
There's gotta be something better to do.
And when I find me something better to do,
I'm gonna get up, I'm gonna get out
I'm gonna get up, get out and do it!
There's gotta be some respectable trade,
There's gotta be something easy to learn.
And if I find me something I halfwit can learn,
I'm gonna get up, I'm gonna get out
I'm gonna get up, get out and learn it!
All these jokers, how I hate them
With their groping, grabbing, clutching, clinching,
Strangling, handling, bumbling, pinching
There's gotta be some life cleaner than this,
There's gotta be some good reason to live.
And when I find me some kind of life I can live,
I'm gonna get up, I'm gonna get out,
I'm gonna get up, get out and live it!


  1. David: We all know you are a partisan Knickerbocker Villager but your photographic essay was biased beyond reason. While looking back, I liked the LES better than Brighton - there were times of the year - like summer time and other parts of the neighborhood that give a better impression. Having the beach a block away, Brighton Beach Avenue shopping and Spumoni Gardens were great to have. I happened to keep up many of the friendships I had on the LES. I continued my affiliation with Camp Madison Felicia, many didn't. Just about all of your photos were taken in the no man land along Neptune Avenue near Luna Park houses - why all the photos of Warbasse building through chain link fences?

  2. Addendum: Also, Warbasse had its own power plant so through all of NYCs Black Outs - we had electricity and air conditioning. Many of my KV friends came for a visit! Besides, it was the best that some of our parents could do and for that reason - pick on another neighborhood - like Scarsdale to criticize!
