Monday, December 1, 2008

The Forward Building and The Jewish Daily Forward

Some images come from a recent exhibit at the Museum Of The City of New York. Wally G at Flickr, as always is great for NYC images. The gray haired gent pictured mid way was Abraham Cahan, the long time editor and author of The Rise Of David Levisky
The Jewish Daily Forward: Embracing an Immigrant Community, on exhibit at the Museum of the City of New York from April 22 - November 25, 2007, focuses on the Jewish Daily Forward as a window into life in New York City particularly during the heyday of Jewish immigrant life in the first half of the 20th century. The Forward, founded in 1897 and still publishing today in English and Yiddish, once boasted a readership larger than that of the New York Times. The exhibition, which opened on the 110th anniversary of the Forward's first issue, features photographs and artifacts that document the concerns of these New Yorkers and the way in which the Forward helped to shape and reflect them.

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