Monday, January 26, 2009

Life On Mars

I read the nytimes article on this show yesterday. I haven't watched much "regular" tv in a while other than sports. This looks like it might be worth a shot. Many of the scenes look like they were filmed on the LES. The season premiere's opening was shot in the Smith Houses.
An excerpt from the article:
LIKE any worthwhile journey through New York, the television drama “Life on Mars” takes a roundabout route to arrive at a familiar destination. In its first episode, a New York police detective named Sam Tyler is hit by a car. When Tyler, played by the actor Jason O’Mara, recovers from the accident, he finds he has woken up in the year 1973.
He is still an N.Y.P.D. detective, but much else has changed. John Lindsay is the mayor, the Knicks are a team with championship potential, and, perhaps most remarkable, the revitalized metropolis he thought he knew has returned to its dingier, more dangerous ways.
Within the context of “Life on Mars,” which had its premiere on ABC in October and returns to the air on Wednesday night after being on hiatus for nearly two months, it’s up to the viewer to decide whether Tyler has actually traveled back in time or if this ghost of Gotham past exists only in his injured mind. Yet there is no mistaking the presence of the real-life New York throughout the show, one in which, with the help of the occasional bit of digital trickery, the modern city is deftly used as a stand-in for its earlier, more desperate self.

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