Monday, February 23, 2009

Mott Street: 1910

from shorpy
Another view of Mott Street in New York's Little Italy (now Chinatown) circa 1910. The building in the middle, 156 Mott, with the Italian pharmacy, is now the Foot Reflexology Center in this Google Street View. The address on the right, 156 Mott, is now just two stories. Most of the basement entrances have been covered.

Some of the comments about this photo at shorpy:
Looks like the Bert Pilsner Beer hall isn't there anymore. What a shame. It looked like a neat building. Also, can you believe some of the original fire escapes are still being used. I wonder if they are still up to code.
Submitted by J Gioia on Wed, 05/21/2008 - 6:04am.
My great-great grandfather ran an Italian pharmacy a few blocks away, on Mulberry Street below Canal. Wong's Noodle Shop is now in its place.

This part of Mott Street is between Grand and Broome

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