Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Deaths In The Family

Yesterday I learned of two deaths in the KV family, that of Florence Needle and Sal Gerage. Last month Tillie Aaronson passed away. There are fewer and fewer KV mothers and fathers left that parented the KV baby boomers. Of the 40-50 ex KVers I know of, I'm generous if I say maybe less than 10 individual parents are still alive.I started thinking about that back in 2006
Anyway, the museum director of Kehila Kedosha Janina wants to make 280 Broome Street the Sephardic facsimile of the Tenement Museum's 97 Orchard Street, so she assigned me some research to do. While searching for information on one of the congregation's elders and owner of United Kimono, Joseph Josephs, I inadvertently stumbled on the above. David Solomon is my grandfather and namesake. I never knew the details about that accident. I thought a cable broke and death was instantaneous. My father never wanted to speak about it. No wonder. For once I wish I wasn't so thorough in my research.

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