Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mission Accomplished: In Search Of Reverend Younger

The 1930 census of Reverend Younger's family. He was three years old. The inset is a picture of his widow, Dodie

Reverend Younger's father is mentioned in this article

From Reverend Younger's obituary. Winds up he was affiliated with Mariner's Temple and not the Church Of Sea and Land. Seemed like quite a guy.
The Rev. Dr. George D. Younger, noted American Baptist executive, pastor, historian, educator and community leader, died Nov. 21 after a long illness. He was 75. Younger served as executive minister of the American Baptist Churches of New Jersey, one of 34 regions within American Baptist Churches USA, from 1976-1992. Under his leadership the region established new churches and missions, focusing in part on churches to serve recent immigrants from Haiti and Central America. As executive minister he was active in leadership roles within the American Baptist Churches USA. Younger long was active in urban ministries work, notably in leadership at the Metropolitan Urban Service Training Center in New York City (1968-1972), as executive director of the Urban Training Center for Christian Mission in Chicago (1972-1976) and as pastor of Mariners' Temple in New York City (1955-1966). While at Mariners' Temple he helped found Mobilization for Youth, a pioneering anti-poverty agency. He was the editor of Foundations: A Baptist Journal of History and Theology from 1957-1968 and was on the Management Council of The American Baptist Quarterly, the Society's current journal. Younger has been named Honorary Life Member of the American Baptist Historical Society last month.
Younger was program associate in the American Baptist Home Mission Society's Division of Evangelism from 1966-1968, where he focused on issues of housing and urban planning.
He served as adjunct professor and taught Baptist history, theology, polity and ecumenism at Union Theological Seminary (1986-1999), New Brunswick Theological Seminary (1987-2001), Drew Theological School (1991-2001) and Princeton Theological Seminary (2001).
He recently served as the representative to the United Nations for the Baptist World Alliance.
His wife, Dodie Younger, has served leadership roles with American Baptist Women and Church Women United, among other organizations. Condolences may be sent to the Younger family at 333 Elmwood Ave., Apt. J321, Maplewood, NJ 07040-2429.

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