Monday, March 16, 2009

Ron Silver On The LES

Below: He attended ESHI, the East Side Hebrew Institute on Avenue B and 8th Street

Below: His mother, May Zimelman, lived here in 1930. It's now part of the Village View Houses site. In the census she was listed as Mae Zimlman

About the former ESHI, from ephemeral ny
This Victorian Gothic/Queen Anne building is the third lodging house the Society opened, called the Tompkins Square Lodging House for Boys and Industrial School. Constructed on Avenue B and 8th Street in 1886, it housed 71 boys, according to the 1870 census, most between 12 and 15. The architect, Calvert Vaux, also designed Central Park. Vaux was committed to helping the poor and designed all of the Children’s Aid Society homes. Over the years, about 170,000 street kids passed through all the different lodging houses. The Avenue B building didn’t house kids for long though. By 1910 it became a school only, and in 1925 was sold to a Jewish congregation. Vacant in the 1970s, it was turned into apartments in 1977, then landmarked in 2000.

1 comment:

  1. .
    Great tribute, wild naborhood. God bless Ron Silver, he was a 'Liberal' who came to his senses about Jihadis and Dictators. He knew they would destroy America, and Hollywood if they could. He realized that if America goes down the tubes, then the whole planet is doomed.

    You were great Ron! Time Cop, Arrival, Wiseguy, and The West Wing among many were particularly good. Thank you for everything, especially your courage, RIP.
    here's an absurd thought -
    our God of the Universe
    hates ALL Liberals

    who admit their errors
    and move Right on defense

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe hates
    the principles of FREEDOM

    fascism comes from the Right
    that is a lie of the Left

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says

    because you hate dictators
    and don't blame America
    All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech there can be no real freedom.
    Philosophy of Liberty Cartoon
