Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Solerwitz Saga: Part 7, Charles' 1933 Cruise-Revisited

I went over to the prelinger archives to find some old footage of an ocean cruise and bingo! This is from the SS Columbia in 1933 and here it says the boat is American, not German owned? The description
Reel 1 of 2, Edited travelouge, Cruise Ship Voyage,Visiting:
Port au Prince, Haiti; Kingston, Montego Bay, & Nelson Barracks, Jamaica; Puerto Columbia, Barranquilla, & Cartagena, Columbia; Cristobal, Balboa, Panama; Colon, Ancon, Old Panama. This movie is part of the collection: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Films, Producer: Arthur and Kate Tode (Kahop)

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