Monday, April 27, 2009

Jerome Liebling Follow Up

We heard from Jerome Liebling in regard to the photo entitled "Boy and Car, Knickerbocker Village, 1949
I last lived in Brooklyn in 1949. Just previous to my leaving NYC I took a course at the Photo League that was taught by the eminent photographer Paul Strand. The class was comprised of about 10 mature photographers who together selected Knickerbocker Village as a section of the city to photograph. Each of us were either working or in school and for a few months we separately roamed the streets and would return and discuss the work in class. I don't recall if Rebecca Lepkoff was in that particular class but she is an old friend and you should ask her if she was part of this group. The photograph that you located, "Boy and Car," as well as a companion photograph called "Butterfly Boy" was made at that time. The Photo League has long since been disbanded and there are very few friends from that time that I am in touch with. Thank you for the inquiry and I look forward to reading your blog.
Best, Jerome Liebling

The Butterfly Boy photo that Professor Liebling referred to is pictured above

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