Saturday, May 9, 2009

Peter Serafin Live In New York

I was back in the hood yesterday to pick up the posters I left in the community room. I ran into Peter near City Hall. A nice guy and his father was a real mensch. A Red Sox fan? As Joe E. Brown said in Some Like It Hot, "Well Nobody's Perfect."


  1. It was great to see and hear Peter Head (that was his nickname), the son of Dr. Serafin. He was about 6-7 years younger than me, but we played a lot of basketball against each other. He was a lefty with a good shot and moves. Much taller than me. I never knew he was a Red Sox fan. If I had, I would have given him a smack in the head back then.

  2. Dr. Serafin was a terrible dentist. Much of his dental techniques would be considered "abusive' by today's standards. He forever scarred me & I stil am traumatized, some 40 years later.

  3. All 6th warders were terrible basketball players. You, Mr. Bruno
    were a 6th warder.

    Johnny Sb.

  4. Dear Johnny SB,

    Johnny, the only thing I enjoyed more than winning that bet against you in basketball was beating Derek Forlini 10-zip at the Downtown Athletic Club. He was about 19-20. I was 30 and fading fast.

    I know you were there to witness the destruction.

    Derek has never been the same since. He now looks like he swallowed a basketball.

    "Johnny, do I need to remind you of the year we had a bet who would score more points that year? And I was leading comfortably going into the last game, and we played your team, and instead of Joe Chili guarding me, you guarded me yourself. I think I scored about 16-18 points against you, and although you are about 6 inches taller, and 7-8 years younger, I won that bet comfortably.

    PS-- I'm not sure you ever paid me that bet.
