Thursday, June 18, 2009

Daniel Carone Leaps Off The Brooklyn Bridge: 1921


  1. Hi Today my dad brought this article about his uncle Daniel Carone. I was surprised to see it duplicated on your site. I was trying to find out if his jump was ever in a film and if so what one. My information states that he jumped the Brooklyn Bridge twice and the London Bridge once before he died jumping from the George Washington Bridge in 1933


  2. Lorraine, maybe the author repost it to his blog site. as you can see in the title, the name of your uncle is still there.

  3. Lorraine, when I was a boy, my grandmother, Frances (who was born in Mt Vernon circa 1900) told me about her brother, the daredevil. She even showed me a newspaper clipping not unlike this one. He died jumping off the Washington Bridge and his body was never found. She said he was a bit of a daredevil and that he had jumped of other bridges. My Grandmother had several sisters; Helen I remember well, but there were 2 others I remember, but not their names.
