Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Boy Scout Troop 111 Of St. Joseph's And Ten Mile River Camp

Ten Mile Camp
From Joseph Barone:
Reading the story about summer camp, and having just attended my first summer one in over 20 years, reminded me that the Boy Scouts of Troop 111 (sponsored by St. Joseph), would each year go to Ten Mile River Scout Camp. TMR as it was commonly called, was located near Monticello and Max Yesgur's Farm.
I know of at least two KVer's (Troop 111) who served on staff over the years at TMR.
First, Richard Galasso (parents still live in KV) served on staff at Camp Davis Lake in 1969. He reminded me a number of times of how they all gathered around a couple of transistors to listen to the Landing on the moon. (Richard is # 10 in slide 1).
And yes, the second one was yours truly at Camp Keowa in 1978 at a Counselor in Training. (Joseph is #32 in slide 2)
Although, the next person was not a KVer, he did live on the LES and was very well known in Scouting during the 1950s thru the 1970s: Julius "Julie Y" Yavarkovsky. "Julie Y" owned a paper good business on Ludlow St.

The pdf file above has pictures of Richie Galasso, Joseph Barone and Julie Yavarkovsky.
Julie passed away over 30 years ago. Ten Mile River Camp was an excellent site/museum that the pictures above come from

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