Sunday, July 12, 2009

Forlinis: Who's Been Eating In My Booth?

from the nytimes
At the Table | Forlini’s
A Perfect Place for a Legal Lunch
Since the day it opened in 1956, Forlini’s, at 93 Baxter Street, across the street from State Supreme Court in Manhattan, has attracted a courthouse crowd — prosecutors, defense lawyers, judges, even the occasional hungry felon. The space is split in two, with a proper restaurant on one side and an informal bar-and-grill on the other. Serving simple Italian food in a comfortable, old-world atmosphere, Forlini’s is the perfect place to set aside one’s legal worries over lunch.
IN THE SEATS John Bowden, a union carpenter facing felony charges of driving with a suspended license (he was recently released on $13,500 bail), and John Russo, the lawyer representing him in the case.
ON THE PLATES For Mr. Russo, a grilled chicken breast with a side of broccoli rabe ($13.50) and a small order of French fries ($4). And for Mr. Bowden, Forlini’s famous lunch specialty: a chicken parmigiana hero sandwich ($7).
WHY THEY CAME “We had a hearing together across the street in the courthouse,” Mr. Russo said, prompting Mr. Bowden to quickly add, “Nothing serious.” Several months ago, Mr. Bowden made a left turn from the center lane while driving down Delancey Street on the Lower East Side. The police pulled him over and discovered that his license had been suspended for nonpayment of parking tickets. He was charged with a felony — a fact he still has trouble believing. “I’m just a regular blue-collar guy,” he said, “driving home from work with all his tools in the car, and this is what happens.”
WHAT THEY TALKED ABOUT The case, of course — specifically, whether to go to trial or to have Mr. Bowden plead guilty. The decision? Mr. Russo could not say because of attorney-client privilege.

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