Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Joe

Yesterday was Joe's birthday. He's still acting like that kid he was in 1959 to his right.
about the pic from Joe
I'm the bottom right, as usual.
Always the same spot in the team picture. But 150 pounds heavier than 1959. The needed a wide angle lens to get me in the picture.
Over 60 League. 250 players. Some really good ballplayers. Some so-so. Some stiffs.
I played left center, which means I ran about a mile a game chasing balls to the fence 300 feet away from home plate.
We won the championship of the Thursday League. They awarded us a case of Geritol, and a case of Ben Gay.
2 doubleheaders a week. We start at 8:30 am. Around noon, we need oxygen. There's an ambulance waiting by all games. Just in case.
A mortician too. But we chased him away.
I spend over a grand on all types of wraps. Knee. Hamstring . Groin. Ankle. Wrist.
My wife just doubled my life insurance. Just in case.

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