Thursday, August 20, 2009

Summer Mini-Reunion

A few of the guys (Marty, Bob, Al, Ron, Joel, Eddie and a slimmer me photoshopped in) got together on July 29th at the Dinosaur Barbecue at 131st Street It was good to see Joel who was out of town for the big May 2nd event. The food was great but the noise was so loud that it was tough to have a conversation. Nevertheless I got to ask Eddie about his father. Listening to Neal's video from May I thought I heard Eddie say that his dad Mark had written some scripts for the great tv series Naked City. This was indeed true. Eddie also told us a story about going to radio station WEVD as a kid to help his dad on a weekly radio show he did. On the show Mark Toby did interviews with imaginary guests by using different voices! Eddie was not on the set of the making of the movie version of the Courtship of Eddie's Father, but he got to go to the NYC premiere and got to meet the stars including Ron "Opie" Howard who played him.

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